Episode 83: Scattered
In this show we...
visualize a Chromebook computer class,
time travel in google drive,
crash an ipad,
give a quick “no” on a Pebble,
create an Apple Watch purchasing plan
get interrupted about 111 times.
Join us as we discuss, review and predict the latest in tech and gadgets for your class.
Episode 83: Scattered
In this show we...
visualize a Chromebook computer class,
time travel in google drive,
crash an ipad,
give a quick “no” on a Pebble,
create an Apple Watch purchasing plan
get interrupted about 111 times.
Episode 82: Subaru Tail Gunner
In this show we...
relax in a ‘70s chaise lounge,
rev up the Subaru,
change a Macbook Air battery,
get in line for the Windows 10: free release,
compare Google Now, Siri, and Cortana.
Episode 81: The Portable Classroom
In this content packed show we
reccomend the Overcast app,
giddily look at the Google Classroom app,
try it accross multiple portable OS devices,
envision a true Bring Your Own Device School.