Saturday, August 31, 2013

EdTech Review #40: Jaw Drop Moment

Show #40 Jaw Drop Moment

For the third episode of the 2013/13 school year, Jeff and Ty look into the potential getability of a champagne-gold iPhone.  They both go out on a limb proclaiming that Apple will have some kind of announcement on the 10th of September.  Ty dares anyone who thinks that Apple isn't arrogant enough to put a 'C'in their cheap phone to remember the past.  They then speculate on why older Apple devices get heavier with time-Do they absorb water?  Jeff makes a case for Apple's need to have a sensational "just one more thing" moment, Finally, they marvel at the 3d Image for Android and actually say something nice about Yahoo.

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The EdTEch Review #39: Googly eyes

Show Number 39: Googly eyes

Picking up steam for the 2nd show of the new school year, the gents discuss how Google Now is becoming a serious Siri replacement and how its sister app, Google Keep, is the note program to beat.  They then try to simplify Evernote and Word for a quick content creating generation and end up discussing Apple's place in the music streaming industry.  How does this tie into education?  Little known fact-portions of each show is produced and recorded in an actual classroom.  Of course the room numbers have been change to protect the technologically innocent.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The EdTech Review #38: Micro SD Music Bonanza!

Edtech Review #38:  Micro SD Music Bonanza

After an extended break in which lessons were learned, tears were shed, and Ty visited a pinball museum, these educators return to match wits with the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. They still tout the benefits of the Google Nexus 7 as the bargain class machine.  They discuss the new stuff from Google IO. 

In the end they dream of an iPad with an expandable SD micro card slot.

Check out this episode!